Ensure Streamlined Workflow And Consistent Performance With Secure Curve's SOC Security Management Solutions

As the number of security breaches continues to rise, it's critical to rethink the security approach to improve and scale incident response capabilities.For over a decade, Secure Curve has evolved as a leading SOC monitoring and management service provider to serve security and regulatory needs with cost-effective solutions.

Secure Curve works to alleviate the strain of technical and human resource complexity through streamlining and centralizing your SOC monitoring while offering complete visibility of operating models and methodologies. The SOC monitoring team of Secure Curve processes thousands and millions of security events daily. The SOC team collects, analyzes, and augments endpoints, network, and cloud data with multiple detection engines to deliver personalized protection for your organization.

Key Challenges

img Detection

Despite heavy security posture, companies are unable to identify the advanced threats evolving every minute.

img Response

The delayed identification of the threats further delays responding to them, which leads to heavy disruption and cost to treat them.

img Recovery

Lack of proper monitoring and management of disruption caused by trojans can lead to heavy spendings to recover and restore the data to put the business on track.

Key Advantages

End-to-end monitoring and management tools analyze, identify, and process the security posture of an enterprise.

Less Downtime

With the assistance of an efficient and reliable managed team, companies can gain insights into their security architecture and underline threats that are causing downtime and damage to the business.

Product Security

The comprehensive security solutions include security of the devices and systems connected to the business network to avoid access to critical customer and product information.

Customer Trust

Effective and robust security systems encourage companies to troubleshoot issues which further allow them to offer confidence to their customers, offering complete visibility and safety assurance of critical data.


When you have an effective and reliable monitoring and management solution, you can save yourself from the heavy cost incurred due to disruptions caused by threats and recovery from it.

Our Offering

Secure Curve's holistic approach & best practices offering end-to-end monitoring and management for enterprise infrastructure, secure products, information, and systems connected from malicious activities.

Host Monitoring

Through rigorous audits and reports, Secure Curve contextualizes security data combined with best practices and policies for impenetrable security layer integration across your cloud infrastructure to avoid any intrusions.

Network Discovery/Monitoring

Secure Curve leverages the SOC discovery tool to enable native hypervisor, SNMP, WMI, and SSH discovery, comprehensively identifying and tracking all of your physical and logical components, relationships, and interdependencies.

Application Monitoring

Secure Curve's analyst uses robust performance analyzer and logs monitoring tools that scan and analyze functions and anomalous behavior within applications and recommend strict actions to deter intrusions.

Website Monitoring (Uptime/Response time)

Secure Curve analysts ensure your website is well secured, delivering maximum uptime enabling seamless business processes. The end-to-end monitoring scans websites for SSL/TLS misconfiguration and vulnerabilities capable of exploiting websites.

Infrastructure Log Monitoring

The adroit team of Secure Curve vigilantly analyzes and identifies the real-time log data that highlights the health of servers, hosts, cloud computing, and other loopholes that can possibly impact the business and its prospects.

Authorization, Authentication & Access Management (IAM)

Integrating reliable solutions from Secure Curve offers you real-time tracking of data transfers and location of every data inclusive of vulnerable channels to block transfers and prevent potential data leaks.

Managed EDR-Endpoint Detection & Response

Secure Curve's advanced endpoint security detection and analysis check for vulnerabilities and malicious attacks erupting from files or scripts. Through behavioral analysis and machine learning, capabilities companies can strengthen their network and block points of attacks.

Why Choose Us

With a brand portfolio of consulting, monitoring, and globally managing security services, Secure Curve delivers industry-leading assessments and security strategies to many small, mid, and large enterprises.

Secure Operations

Secure Curve offers comprehensive security coverage with 24X7 monitoring and management, developing confidence requisite to accelerate your business transformation efforts.

Skilled Professionals

Secure Curve's expert analysts have real-world experience in managing and responding to intense threats, thereby diligently and proactively offering a complete protective solution to avoid exorbitant costs on recovery from disruptions.

Customized Solutions

Secure Curve follows the rule - all solutions don't fit all, hence deliver a protective layer for every device, system, or network individually as per the requirement, including requisite training to handle threats and respond to them timely.


Our automated systems minimize the manual process of detecting anomalies and quick alerts on intrusions. Our white-labeled customized solutions deliver quick relief from complex identification, analysis, and response to threats allowing you to focus on your critical business functions.

Let's Connect and Get Started

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Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302018 INDIA

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